60-day meditation program
Reduce Stress, Master Your Mind, Overcome Fear & Ignite Your Peak Energy

Why Learn Transcendence-Based Meditation?



Nico teaches the signature 1 Giant Mind Transcendence-Based ‘Being’ Meditation Technique LIVE in-person + virtually via Zoom over a 60-day program format. The technique is similar to popular styles of meditation like TM (Transcendental Meditation) or VM (Vedic Mediation). The technique originated in India and has been handed down from wise masters who were dedicated to elevating humans into the highest states of health and fulfillment and to ultimately realize our full potential.

What You’ll Learn


  • 3 x 2hr LIVE foundational sessions in consecutive days either in-person and/or virtually via Zoom

  • 60-Day Milestone Review Session via LIVE Zoom

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the WEEKLY 1hr Zoom Group Meditation called ‘Meditation Monday Power Hour’ hosted specifically for course graduates

  • WhatsApp group accountability support for the 60-day meditation challenge

  • Ongoing 1:1 support from Nico via WhatsApp

  • The ability to retake the course free of charge

  • Access to private community alumni

  • A 30-day money-back guarantee is offered (*if you have been meditating daily and still not satisfied)


Payments are taken through Stripe and/or direct bank transfer.

Group Meditation Program = US$999 per person
–> Pay via STRIPE below

Private 1:1 Meditation Program = US$3,333
–> Pay via STRIPE below:

***Payment plans for any cashflow challenges are also available so please don’t hesitate to ask if that works better financially for your situation.***

The investment will be the gift that keeps on giving to you with the group accountability support to remain consistent with your daily meditation practice which is where you will experience the maximum benefits in your life. 

Like brushing your teeth daily, moving forward you will meditate daily and establish yourself in your inner power everyday. 

Say good bye to stress, anxiety and fatigue. 

Say hi to next level energy, calm, clarity, focus, and bliss.

Meditation COURSE Structure

  • Introduction to Meditation

  • Understand the nature of the mind, the mechanics of stress and how it impacts our thoughts/emotions/behaviours

  • Learn about all the amazing benefits of meditation that result from consistent daily meditation

  • Learn the meditation technique and meditate together (20mins)

  • Homework = solo meditation home practice

  • Homework recap

  • Meditate together (20mins)

  • Take a deeper dive into perfecting the meditation technique

  • Discussion on how to build meditation into your daily routine as well as overcoming the many obstacles that will arise along the journey

  • Homework = solo meditation home practice

  • Homework recap

  • Meditate together (20mins)

  • Meditation technique Q&A

  • Discourse on the topic of BEING, the importance of self-awareness and cultivating more love & fulfilment in our lives

  • Final 60 day meditation challenge which provides accountability so the meditation habit can stick in order to see the maximum benefit of this practice


Nico is an inspirational Australian-born Meditation & Breathwork Teacher, Peak Performance Mindset Mentor, and Corporate Wellness Speaker.

He is the Co-Founder of Mind Body Soul’d, a corporate wellbeing and emotional intelligence company, co-creator of Rise Disco which is an uplifting sober dance-movement party, as well as the Co-Host of the Big Hairy Chats Podcast.

His experience living in NYC, SF & LA working in the corporate sector for tech companies Google, Pandora and Coinbase, left him feeling unfulfilled and seeking more.

Nico’s journey led him to building a daily meditation practice which he has been committed to for 10+ years. This helped him reconnect to his inner power, passion and purpose.

Nico felt compelled to become a Meditation Teacher and learnt under Master Wisdom Teacher Jonni Pollard. 

For the past 5 years, Nico has been teaching the 1 Giant Mind Transcendence-based ‘Being’ meditation technique in a 3-Session course format either in-person or online via LIVE Zoom every month.

Nico’s mission is to inspire everyone in the world to meditate daily so that we can all live in a more peaceful, loving, creative & happy planet.